Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things to Do...

...while waiting in line to pick up your kid at summer school:

1. Try to keep his younger sister entertained. I taught her to knit and needlepoint. Does she bring her projects with her?? No. So, she climbs around the car acting like a monkey.

2. Listen to the hybrid engine not make emissions!

3. Get ahead on Christmas knitting- or at least, that was the plan!

4. Listen to the Disney Channel and try not to poke out eardrums with knitting needles.

5. Wonder if feeding kids peanut butter sandwiches for dinner, again, is child abuse. I do include carrots and either milk or juice.

6. Wonder what fabulous meal hubby is having with his colleagues at dinner.

I have not poked out my eardrums, yet. I did finish a simple garter stitch bib and started a knit burp cloth. I have not throttled monkey-girl. I have packed up a bag of her projects. We have run out of peanut butter and I really don't want to go to the store today, so it's spaghetti for dinner. Hubby's fab dinner turned out to be Whataburger.

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