Monday, August 10, 2009

One by One...

The kids are slowly stealing my sanity. Grumperina- the 7 yo- woke up in her usual grumpy self and spent the morning complaining about everything. I tried to get the child to eat, but she refused everything. And she felt like her older brother was picking on her- he was, but not to the extent she let on.

Surly teen was not all that surly, he just enjoyed picking on his sister and seeing if she would cry. She did- twice. Not a record, but...

I have since banished the both of them outside into the outer rings of Hell (aka Houston in the summer). They are cleaning their trash out of my car. I'm not sure what I'll have them do next.

Two weeks until school starts... two weeks until school starts... two weeks until school starts... I wish it would start tomorrow!

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