Monday, May 7, 2007

Belated Happy B/day

Forgot to mention that my DS turned 12 on the 5th of May- Cinco de Mayo. He missed his granddad's b/day by one day. All I can think of is the 12 hours of labor, 2 epidurals (the first one was misplaced) and the forceps to help ease that big head out- ouch. He's now at the point where I have to threaten him to take showers and the teenage years are looming. Every once in awhile, puberty rears it's ugly head- the crankiness, the noise, and the odor. Boys stink, literally. He did smell so sweet in the beginning, except for that toxic poop that is now toxic gas that he delights in delivering at the most inconvient times.

DS is actually a good kid. He's smart, reads all the time, and is heading into 6th grade where he'll be in the advanced level classes. He's also a whiz at computer games, and tormenting his younger sister. Gotta love him- and we do!!

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