Thursday, February 5, 2009

February Rant

And, no, it's not about Valentine's Day. I married my forever Valentine almost 17 years ago and am very happy;-)

This is about cell phones and driving. In the last week, I have seen too many people almost have accidents because they were on the phone while driving. One of these people was in an SUV and trying to turn and hold the phone and chat. I'll admit, I have driven and yakked before, but after a near miss, I activated my Bluetooth. It comes through the speakers on my car and can be a little annoying for the person on the other end, but at least I am somewhat safe.

And, what about those speaker phones? I hate those. I really don't want to hear both sides of your conversation. And, if you have to yell to be heard, please step out of the restaurant so the rest of us can enjoy our meal in peace.

I also thinks it's funny when 2 people are on the phone at the same table. You just want to ask them why they can't speak directly to each other since they are sitting so close. I know, they are usually talking to someone else, but is that really the point of the date- to spend it on the phone with your BFF's???

As for me, the tendinitis is clearing up, but my right shoulder is about jammed into my ear. The in-laws are coming in a couple of weeks and I am frantically cleaning house.

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