Friday, August 29, 2008

Gustav is Coming

Batten down the hatches, Gustav may- or may not- be heading this way. Hurricane season in Houston, gotta love it. Since Katrina and Rita three years ago, every time a hurricane heads into the Gulf of Mexico, people panic. So far, it's like the little boy who cried "Wolf!" One of these days, the real thing is going to happen, and no one is going to believe it, and we'll all be blown away. So, tonight, in preparation, I am going to pack bags for the kids and me, sort out some crafts to take, and then sleep through all the doom and gloom the forecasters are predicting.

As for knitting, ain't none of that going on right now. I've been busy crocheting and sewing. And, I taught a beading class today. Life's kinda dull right now.

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